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Ex Nihilo Nihil Fit is committed to providing our Clients with the highest level of service and support for their health and fitness goals. When canceling or rescheduling an appointment, we ask that Clients please call us at (941) 269-2348 at least 24 hours in advance of their scheduled time. This allows us to free up the appointment slot and offer it to someone else who may be waiting for a spot.


Please be advised that failure to provide more than a 24 hour notice for canceling or rescheduling will result in a loss of that session. 


In order to provide the best possible service to our Clients, we strongly encourage everyone to plan their schedules carefully and prioritize their fitness goals. By adhering to our 24 hour cancellation and rescheduling policy, we can ensure that everyone has the opportunity to receive the support, guidance, and expertise they need to achieve their goals and live a healthy, active lifestyle.


Thank you for your understanding and adherence to our policies and for choosing Ex Nihilo Nihil Fit as your partner in health and wellness.







We kindly ask that all Clients please plan accordingly and show up on time to their scheduled appointments. Arriving late will cut into the session time and will not be made up.


In the event that the Client is running late, please call us at (941) 269-2348. If the Coach is left uninformed and they do not see or hear from the Client 20 minutes after the scheduled appointment time, the Client will be considered a no-show. (A no-show is when a Client misses an appointment without cancelling or rescheduling before the start time). The Coach will then have permission to leave and the Client's session will expire. 







We require every Client to keep a card on file for all future transactions. We do NOT accept any cash, checks, Zelle, bank transfers, etc. All fees must be paid before another appointment will be scheduled.


All payments are NON-REFUNDABLE. All appointments, sessions, and programs are non-transferrable to other Clients or people.

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