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$79 NEW CLIENT SPECIAL ($399 value)

Phone Consultation, Fitness Assessment, Body Composition Photos, InBody Scan, + Cold Plunge


EX NIHILO NIHIL FIT; or for those of us who don't speak Latin, XN2FIT, for short.

Meaning "Nothing Comes From Nothing"

Do you want to know the key to achieving your goals? It's to take action, no matter how small. The biggest difference in the world is not between those who have done a little versus those who have done a lot, but between those who take action by doing something versus those who remain idle by doing nothing at all. 


We've all set goals for ourselves at some point, but many times we fall into the trap of not taking any action towards achieving them. That's where we come in - our goal is to help you reframe your mindset and motivate you to take even the smallest steps towards success. 


See, your brain doesn't like to work. It wants to seek pleasure, avoid pain, and save energy. So when you set a goal that requires a change, your brain might resist it. It's easy to fall into the trap of thinking your goal is too far out of reach to even bother starting. 


But here's the thing... doing something, even if it's teeny-tiny, is always better than doing nothing at all because "An object at rest stays at rest, but an object in motion stays in motion".


So let's get moving! Don't focus on how far away your goal might seem. Just focus on taking that first step, because going from zero to one is the hardest part. Doing a little might not seem like much, but it's everything because it means you've created motion. And from there, anything is possible.


Working out can be a great habit to get into, but training often leads to more successful fitness results in the long run. Training involves structured exercise sessions tailored towards specific goals that you want to achieve. Without a structured plan involving progress tracking and challenges along the way, workouts are just random exercises performed for the sake of burning calories.


A customized nutrition plan is essential to unlocking your best self by optimizing your health, performance, and well-being. Every individual has unique needs, preferences, and goals when it comes to nutrition. A plan that is tailored to you takes all of these into account, helping you achieve success in the most efficient way possible.


Accountability is a vital aspect of any successful fitness journey. Having accountability helps you stay laser-focused on your goals, measure progress against objectives, and be professionally coached to identify areas that need improvement. It eliminates the loopholes in an individual’s approach to exercise, diets and other everyday activities. 


Phone Consultation

15 minutes

The first step is to book a phone consultation so we can learn more about your personal fitness goals and see if we can help. 


In the same way that we hope you wouldn't hire just anyone as your Coach, we don't take on just anyone as a new Client. This call gives both you, and us, the opportunity to see if we're a good fit.

Talking on the Phone

Fitness Assessment

60 minutes

The next step is to book a fitness assessment so we can get a better understanding of where you currently are in your fitness journey vs. where you would like to be. 


Our Coaches will test your strength, flexibility, mobility, body fat, muscle mass, and water weight. We'll also take your body composition photos so that we get a full 360 view of all your progress that occurs, both internally and externally, throughout your program.

Physical assessment at the gym by bio impedance.jpg

Join The Family

Whether you prefer to train privately 1:1 with a Coach, or in a small group, we've got you covered! All of our memberships come equipped with the following 3 pillars of success:


Workout with Kettlebells


Most people don't overtrain, they under-recover. Which is why we not only roll out and stretch after every session, but also have a brand new cold Plunge in our facility. 


Member of ours or not, feel free to come in and TAKE THE PLUNGE!

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